Compact Charger Compact Charger
Compact Charger

I don't think there is a deeper fulfillment that can capture the human heart than when an inventor sees his idea materialize. Such feelings make a person forget about food, sleep, friends, love, everything.

~ Nikola Tesla


Our proprietary solutions


Patents obtained by us


Fulfilled standards and regulations

Compact Charger

Problems with standard chargers that we solved with our idea

Compact Charger

Low quality

Compact Charger


Compact Charger

Slow to load

Compact Charger

Big and heavy

Compact Charger

Chinese products

Compact Charger

Incompatible certification

I am inspired by Nikola Tesla and Marko Rodin..

~ Grzegorz Fluda

A talented specialist with extensive experience in the field of electrical engineering, specializing in coordinating projects and manufacturing processes. A professional with over 20 years of experience in the use of CAD systems in various fields of mechanics: construction, transport, electrical engineering, architecture and others. Experienced electronics engineer in the field of software design and development. He has practical experience in the design of microcomputer-controlled systems and quality assurance methodology.

Grzegorz Fluda

The originator of the solution and the owner of COMPACT Charger P.S.A.

Safety of use

The charger designed by Compact Charger has as many as 3 safeguards for the health and life of the user and his home installation.

The last sensor is a unique protection in the world that does not have any cable for charging electric cars. This protection allows you to avoid connecting the cable to the wrong installation, i.e., for example, when the socket to which you want to connect the cable is installed incorrectly or the lead wire cross-section is not appropriate in the installation, the highest charging temperature always occurs at the contacts.

Temperature sensor in the charging plug

Humidity sensor in the charging plug

Temperature sensor in the power plug